
I know today is April Fools in the USA but you guys need to consider not everyone is from there, and jokes about death especially are quite distasteful. Stop saying your pet died and then hitting the tab button 30 times and saying Happy April Fools. It’s not funny.


HI!!, I just wanted to say I just finished reading your Mrs.Mafia series and it's AMAZING(i'm sure you've heard this a million times but it needs to be said a million times) your writing ethic is beautiful. I had been writing about a year ago and after I got to the 5-6 chapter it got really overwhelming so i stopped but after reading your works, it truly gave me the courage to continue. If you have any words of advice on writing a book or dealing with mental blocks it would be gratefully welcomed.


@LilyGreen073 hi babes! I’m so sorry for the late response but my current job doesn’t really give me much free time. First of all, I would like to thank you for your amazing amazing words that fill my heart in a way you can’t imagine. The fact that you found my work inspiring enough to get you back to writing is an honor. About the mental block, I’ve honestly been going through periods of it myself for a year now and though I haven’t implementing it myself, the best way to get through one is to keep writing because you’ll eventually write something that gets you back on track, but also create a schedule and it times up and you haven’t written anything that’s fine. The first time I had writer’s block I felt like a fraud and that was simply too harsh. Take your time, do other things that make you happy and inspire you as well, so you don’t start seeing writing as a task more than something you’re passionate about❤️


          I've read arabella's book since it started but I sorta left wp during code Athena omfg let's go your book has been living in my head rent free for so many years.


@khushi-lol-bye wait, I adore you :,) thank you so so SO much for your undying support ❤️


Hey !!
          Does adulting feel like a challenging and terrifying moment? 
          Wanna read a book on teenage life and adjusting to adulting? 
          Check out my book " A Peek Into The Life Of A Brown Girl " and feel connected with relatable characters. 
          Do share this among your friends and leave us a review. We would love to know your thoughts. 
          Thank you!!


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Bestie I desperately need your help!! I’m getting back into my author era but I’m scared because it’s hard for me to put my thoughts into words it’s like I can picture it perfectly in my head like a movie but going into detail about everything is extremely nerve wracking and I’m really fucking scared to write smut and it’s not like I’m trying to be Ana huang out here but still I’m freaking out!!! 


@kaykayluvv29 hey! If you want you can dm me on instagram:) we can get more into detail there❤️❤️I’m honored you want my help and I would love to give you as much advice as I possibly can! 


I know today is April Fools in the USA but you guys need to consider not everyone is from there, and jokes about death especially are quite distasteful. Stop saying your pet died and then hitting the tab button 30 times and saying Happy April Fools. It’s not funny.