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Hey Love! ԅ( Ơ∀ Ơԅ✿)❤ I just saw the naughtyfication that you followed me! Yay! Welcome to my fam baby! (I still have to think what name am i going to give to my fam T•T) anyways! I hope that you'll support my one and only work. But! Don't worry, I'm going to take it all slowly. I'll publish more books in the upcoming future. Overall that! I'm really glad that you followed me. It's a pleasure to know that you made me feel this hono- NEVER MIND IDK WHAT I'M SAYING. BUT THANK YOU!! OMG✨ UWU✨ Idk what to say anymore. So I'm out uwu✨
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@Taegukkie0_0 I'm embarrassing , i know- Shit- LEMME GO AND THROW MYSELF IN THE HAN RIVER. SEE YOU IN MY BOOK! OH I'VE DECIDED MY FAM'S NAME. "TAEDIES!" Since my nickname is TEDDY uuuufffff