
If you loved "Common Grounds: Contemplations, Confessions, and (UnExpected) Connections from the Coffee Shop," here's your chance to grab a free advanced reader copy of my next book "Sacred Grounds: First Loves, First Experiences, and First Favorites." It's another book of introspective essays that I believe you will enjoy. 
          	I'll be sending out e-copies of the book to my ARC list later this month. You can join that list here: http://eepurl.com/bzX07f
          	My ARC list is for readers who can read a book in a couple of weeks and then leave a leave a review on one of the various retail websites where it can be purchased, like Amazon. I understand that you won't be interested in all of my releases and therefore won't want to review every book. Don't worry about it when that is the case. Just review the books you want to read.
          	I usually send out my ARCs about two weeks before the book is available to the general public for purchase. So, sign up today, and I'll be in touch.


Hi Lee, just wanted to let you know that my review article on your book "Common Grounds" will be posted in the Wattpad Chronicle this month. So thanks for posting it!


Hi Lee, you are welcome. I am glad to post it for others to view your book. If I ever find it in stores, I'll be one of your customers!


@RoseBlossom79 Thanks! Really appreciate you doing so.


If you loved "Common Grounds: Contemplations, Confessions, and (UnExpected) Connections from the Coffee Shop," here's your chance to grab a free advanced reader copy of my next book "Sacred Grounds: First Loves, First Experiences, and First Favorites." It's another book of introspective essays that I believe you will enjoy. 
          I'll be sending out e-copies of the book to my ARC list later this month. You can join that list here: http://eepurl.com/bzX07f
          My ARC list is for readers who can read a book in a couple of weeks and then leave a leave a review on one of the various retail websites where it can be purchased, like Amazon. I understand that you won't be interested in all of my releases and therefore won't want to review every book. Don't worry about it when that is the case. Just review the books you want to read.
          I usually send out my ARCs about two weeks before the book is available to the general public for purchase. So, sign up today, and I'll be in touch.


@JiZhangChan Thanks for taking the time to read it. And I'm touched to know that it prompted you to visit coffee shops in your area. Very cool. I have another book in this series coming out in the next month. It's tentatively titled "Sacred Grounds: First Loves, First Experiences, and First Favorites." Since you joined my ARC list, you'll receive a copy of it shortly before it is released.


I'm signing up for your email list. I really love your book. You have managed to touch your readers' hearts and given them a wonderful present in the form of your writing. You are a successful author in all rights!


@sunandita Thanks for joining. I look forward to conversing with you there. :)


Love the premise of Common Grounds Lee. I've had that idea too, of sitting in a coffee shop talking to people and writing about those experiences. Can't wait to read about yours!
          Jing Jing
          Community @ Wattpad


 Thanks! Appreciate that. Every writer could write a similar book and each one would turn out differently. Give it a shot. 