no mourners. no funerals.

anything for ✨MY✨ moony 🌕🐺

hunting demons with Sam and Dean 🔪✝️😈
finding spike with Buffy, Xander, Willow and Giles ⚰️🪦🧛🏼
killing graves and shepard with TF141 plus König 🔫
training raptors with Owen Grady 🦖🦕
bar fights with Eggsy 🌂👓🥃
catching unsubs with Dr. Spencer Reid 💼
stopping armageddon with the ineffable husbands👿👼🏻
killing people with Billy and Stu 🩸🔪
hanging with the pouges 🚤
fuckin' shit up with Frank Castle 🔫🩸
knicking things from Filch's office with the Marauders 🐺🐀🐕‍🦺🦌
making car videos with the Sturniolo triplets 😎
fighting Vecna with the party/hellfire club 👹
running a school with young Charles Xavier 📚
being an assassin with Victor Zsasz 🔫💵
causing trouble with Kol Mikaelson 🩸
  • spikes crypt ⚰️
  • Дата регистрацииJuly 5, 2017

Последнее сообщение
leech69 leech69 Jan 28, 2021 08:40AM
Hello to anyone who see this   I currently have 0 friends (only one but we don’t really talk) n e wayz I came here to ask for friends  so if you would like to be friends, hi hello my name is Brooklyn...
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