
Hello Everyone. Maybe you've noticed or maybe you haven't. Either way, I have taken my book down. Why? I'm not satisfied with what I've written so far. I think one of the main reasons for this is because it isn't something God is satisfied with. I as a human being will never be satisfied. There will always be something I'm not happy with. But when God is satisfied with something, He doesn't change His mind and He's always right. When He says something is good, it is. So, I will prayerfully rewrite the book (although the main theme is still the same) and bring you a better book that has been edited by God. Have a good day everyone!


Hello Everyone. Maybe you've noticed or maybe you haven't. Either way, I have taken my book down. Why? I'm not satisfied with what I've written so far. I think one of the main reasons for this is because it isn't something God is satisfied with. I as a human being will never be satisfied. There will always be something I'm not happy with. But when God is satisfied with something, He doesn't change His mind and He's always right. When He says something is good, it is. So, I will prayerfully rewrite the book (although the main theme is still the same) and bring you a better book that has been edited by God. Have a good day everyone!


We have reached a hundred reads on 'You make me brave.' *Mimics standing before people to receive an award* I just want to thank God for planting these ideas in my mind. Without him I wouldn't have been able to begin with this book . Next I want to thank my ever present ever reliable personal cheerleaders @LuluParise @MitchelleAO @Ibukun101 and @bolaalashe for encouraging me with their words. And finally I'm thankful to my family for their patience with me through this journey. I'm so grateful guys and to all of you who read this book even if it was just the first chapter I want to shout you out too but I just don't know you. God is good guys. Thank you everyone. Lots of love