Y’all I just saw this funny ass fic called “oh god, not again” by sarah1281 Note to self to read and anyone else in love with sassy harry
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Y’all I just saw this funny ass fic called “oh god, not again” by sarah1281 Note to self to read and anyone else in love with sassy harry
Y’all I just saw this funny ass fic called “oh god, not again” by sarah1281 Note to self to read and anyone else in love with sassy harry
Pour les étudiants qui peuvent parler français (ou utiliser Google Translate) et qui veulent l'amour et toutes ses joies. Je t'aimerai toujours, même après que tu auras érodé mon cœur avec les cailloux que tu as jetés à ma fenêtre. Je te désirerai encore après que tes yeux ne chercheront plus les miens à travers la cafétéria comme un soldat, perdu de chez lui. J'espérerai ton "pour toujours" même lorsque tes doigts ne s'entrelaceront plus avec les miens comme les racines d'un arbre sous notre table. Je t'aimerai jusqu'à ce que mes yeux cessent de voir, que mes lèvres cessent de souhaiter, que mes oreilles cessent d'attendre et que mon cœur cesse de battre parce que je - je pense - que je pourrais peut-être t'aimer.
Dragon in the dark
Would u continue to write ur FF like unbreakable further ?
@VrindaD Definitely, almost done another chapter and thank you so much for reading it!
Another story to read The Godfather by cherrywood chan
Just found a new dramione fic by senlinyu called let in a dark Note to self to read it
@VrindaD Here’s a link to it, haven’t read it yet by senlinyu’s Work it pure gold https://archiveofourown.org/works/32850244/chapters/81516760
@Accio-My-Brain lol
Note to self: Read all the young dudes Murauders fanfic soooo it'll be my first
Hello. I need to rant. Helps me blow off steam. Aaaaanyways. So in school there's this girl (lets call her Molly) yeah? So Molly and I have not spoken for AT LEAST two years. Last time we talked she snatched my candy bracelet. Like who does that. (I'm not a five y.o I promise) So that happened and know suddenly we're in the same class right. And this sourse we're taking is compulsory so she ain't got no choice to take it. We had our first big project and she reaches out after TWO YEARS to ask me to give her my homework. Yeah. Bitch.
Alright I found writing each person's point of view really tedious and repetitive so I'm going to keep the main story from Hermione's p.o.v but I'll do scenes from the other characters at important parts, for example you'll be able to see what's going on in Draco's head when he first sees Hermione and stuff like that. Makes sense? Hopefully.
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