Haa~ Why things get like this. It hurts me a lot. Now I understand why people getting depressed. Its because they keep on thinking about negativity. Why? I dont know. I want to achieve a lot of things. But I keep on blaming my parents. Why?? I should blame myself. I had being an overthinker. Thinking too deep make me sick. I hate it a lot. Haa~ Things keep getting harder. I keep on wanting to have a lot of things that I can't. And once again I blame my parents. For once, I want to think about myself too. Having a me time really make me calm. This things keep on playing in my mind. Having my own house. Have a lot of money. Get what I can. Help others. A lot of things keep playing in mymind. Please stop this. Its too much. I dont want to think a lot. Let me do what I want so that I can make myself relieved. Dear self, I am really sorry that you keep on thinking like this. Life might be hard but I know you are strong. Dont give up. We both know He is always with us. I hope you can fight yourself. And remember I love u a lot