“LADY OF THE LIGHT, FIRST EMPRESS AETHRA, SAINT OF JUSTICE, MOTHER OF THE SUN.. known by many names, but to her people, she is simply known as aethra. aethra, a girl residing in her quaint home, close to the heavens themselves and blessed with fertile land to grow a field of flowers. a healer of all, before they had arrived and killed and enslaved her people. aethra had prayed to the gods above, though they did not answer her.. her people were maimed, experimented on like subjects.. her body, scarred with pus–filled wounds that seem to never quite heal.. and so, filled with a heavy heart and a burning vengeance, aethra had escaped.. towards the neighboring nations, seeking alliances, even begging at their feet, the lowest of the low.. they had laughed in her face.. no alliance was forged.. so aethra had made a treacherous journey, seeking power of her own. the gods watched. they loom, awaiting.. and aethra, throwing away her own humanity and love, commits a great sin.. and ascends from a lowly village girl to a god. a god, vengeful, murdering her oppressors and hunts them down like dogs until none of them is more. her light, all–consuming, the new empress..” (AN EXCERPT OF AETHRA, JOURNEY TO GODHOOD)