I’m not one to usually post criticism simply due to the fact that I know what it’s like to receive it and my reaction is “DEFEND DEFEND DEFEND.”
But I’m writing this because I posted my first critic on a story and honestly, it kinda sucks. Not something I’d ever want to do again unless I see true potential in it. That last story I just read.. Man the plot was good and I can see where the author was going but it was rushed and lacked depth. I hope the author is okay first and foremost because writing in general does take a lot out of someone, if you allow it.. It can take over you and you won’t know you are for a while. Secondly it looks like the person has touched their profile for a while so I DEFINITELY hope the author is okay. Thirdly, putting your all into a story is a LOT but if you can learn to balance it along with your real life jazz, you can do wonders to your mentality.
Trust. ✨