
hey y’all !! still alive, it’s just i’ve been pretty busy with college :,) i just got myself some free time to finally get myself to work on the book. how have you guys been ??


posted the character moodboards on my instagram ^^ make sure to check them out!
          insta: @/moonbaeric


            why thank you hayun my beloved <33


@legenderic I saw them!!! They are beautiful 


He raises the Bahrain trophy in his hands. Its silver surface and golden details glitter under the many lights that surround us, as I come face to face with my deformed reflection. Miserable. 
          "See that Yoon?" He taunts. "Go on, touch it. Feel it. Take in every little detail." I lift my gaze and lock eyes with him. His lips are forming a sinister smile, further jabbing my nerves. "You won't get that chance ever again." 
          I remain still, keeping tense eye contact for what feels like a minute. I then turn around, slowly and steadily. Nora's already left, which makes me think that she didn't get to witness the petty exchange between us; or she did and chose to ditch. One who hasn't watched a single F3 and F2 interview of ours might've thought that this is just a cute, normal interaction. 
          "You know what's interesting about this little trophy of yours?" I start, already feeling a smile build up on my face. 
          "That it'll never be yours?" He replies almost immediately with a jeering chuckle, but I don't react. I let my lips form a grin so wide, my cheekbones start to ache a bit. 
          "Nope." I look over my shoulder to find him staring at me. "It makes a great dildo."
          ᝰ SLOW DOWN, an original book by legenderic, coming soon on wattpad! 


@legenderic I can't wait to read it :D


            thank u so much for that dear ^^ 


            the process of writing this again and giving my characters more depth and personality gets me all hyped up over the new book and motivates me to do even better! i can't wait till i share it with u guys ^^


hi everyone, i'm vas! in this account, i will be sharing my original stories; together, we will be following my original characters in their adventures and experience a whirlwind of emotions as they allow us a peek of what's going on in their lives & minds. 
          i am currently working on my first ever book, which i'll hopefully be done with soon. i hope that you guys are just as excited and thrilled as me for this journey!
          ᝰ a few facts about me & this account:
          - i love reading books just as much as writing them, so if you guys want to talk about books that you like, my dms are open.
          - i'm part of the kpop, stranger things and f1 fandoms, so if you're into any of them (even better, all of them) i'll be happy to talk!
          - i mostly write romance and mystery, but i like to experiment with genres in general.
          - this is a safe space for everyone; whatever your gender, race, age, sexuality or religion is, you are loved & welcomed here. if you've got any problems, please reach out to me. i'll be more than glad to listen to you and help you out.
          that's all ^^ hope you guys have a beautiful day ahead of you <3


            thank u so much dear ^^


@legenderic looking forward to your book !!