
/ headcanon that joan is the first person john comes out to (and max is sour about it) because she didn't really give him a choice. she caught into it for herself and confronted him for hiding who he truly was and that is the story of how john got the courage to come out to everyone. 


          	  / joan literally locked her car & said she would not let him go until he told the truth. 


Mr. Snyder , I need to borrow you . 


glad we are on the same page , then .  now , i need to you investigate & report me on the illegal actions on campus , then i will have you sign a pledge .  


@chemistress *he muttered a few explicitives under his breath and turned around with a beaming smile* of course, forgot, i'm sorry. 


*  she rolled her eyes at the boy & his behavior , very unimpressed , while annoyed & horrified that HE is one of her best students *   you won't HAVE a classwork anymore if you don't come with me , may i remind you , mr. snyder . 


hey , john , i swear i am not pregnant but i just wanted to tell you that if i have a kid you are godfather  - 


* she smiles warmly at him for a moment 
            as she leaned into him *  bless , John , you
            know i am always here for you . you will find that lucky guy someday . i know you
            will . you are quite the catch , if i say so
            myself . 


@computerbug *he dropped the godfather talk with a frown and a shrug* just nervous, overwhelmed, lonely. well, i was lonely. i mean, i guess i'm still lonely on a soul level, that part of me that craves someone to share my heart with. but you help a little. *he smiled softly and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer* so, thanks. 


psh , i have a say in it , & i elect you .  *  she then frowned  *   only ' okay ' . 


/ headcanon that joan is the first person john comes out to (and max is sour about it) because she didn't really give him a choice. she caught into it for herself and confronted him for hiding who he truly was and that is the story of how john got the courage to come out to everyone. 


            / joan literally locked her car & said she would not let him go until he told the truth. 


How is my favorite ass - tronaut wannabe ? 


fabulous now that your space jockeys are finally back in my life . you boys & your dumb traveling . 


@computerbug do you not understand how that...you know what, i'm gonna stop there and change the subject. *he nodded and crossed his arms* how was your day?


It was literally a butt joke. Why does your mind go to 'gay' instantly?


h -  hey ,  ah ,  total forewarning ,
          here ,  but -  i think someone put
          a loogie in your coffee . 


@PACSMAN oh you, really don't have to do that. *he offered up a sheepish smile and tapped his fingers along the spine of his books nervously* i mean i don't control you so i guess you can i would just feel kinda bad because i don't know you and here you are saving me and then i made you feel bad and now you're offering to get me another coffee and i... *he trailed off, looking up at the other for a few seconds* would like that a lot if you were feeling generous enough but really there's no pressure.  


* the boy gave a rather apologetic
               smile ,  looking back at the coffee
               machines before letting his gaze
               catch the other male's ,  clearing
               his throat a bit *  here ,  i ,  uh ,  i
               know some of the kids here .  i 
               can get you another mug ,  yeah ? 


@PACSMAN they...what? *he looked up from where he had been reading his most recent book on the study of space and the possibility of travel in the near future. to say the least he was a little shocked, not many people ever talked to him here. he would back himself in to the furthest booth to the back and get to work* um, thanks for the heads up man. i guess... *he pushed the drink away with a little frown* 


hey , did this one jock pester you ?


*  she followed him in from behind *
            Ahh ! The heaven of cheeseburgers . 


@computerbug *he laughed and rolled his eyes at her before walking through and taking a deep breath* ah, this is what the good life smells like. 


*  she then let go of him & grinned as she 
            moved her feet in a moonwalk over to the door & opened it  *


some guy: yo, couldn't sleep at all last night.
          bones: you know when you can't sleep it means someone is thinking about you.
          some guy: who would have been thinking of me?
          john: *gay panic* 


@legitastronut /awe!! thanks love! i try!


                     ~ ◯ ~   
          ░  JOAN MERRY TWISTED HER LIPS INTO A SLY GRIN AS SHE APPROACHED HER FELLOW FRESHMAN, JOHN SNYDER. Her present to him was something she knows he will thoroughly enjoy. She had been well aquainted with the security guard, Joe, who was going to give her night access to the U.S. ROCKET CENTER MUSEUM which their school was very close to. A night with access to the entire museum & the very famous SATURN V rocket was something she wanted to share with her new friend.
              She tapped the boy's shoulder from behind, brows raised as she waited for him to awkwardly whip around  (  she loved his honest quirks  ) . 


" Nah, I love driving. "  Joan said with a happy sigh at the thought.  She clasped her hands together behind her back before adding ,  " I am pretty damn good at it too. "


            He nodded with a shy little smile, "Are you sure? I really don't mind driving if you want me to, I mean she's a little beaten but she's still going strong." 


" i better or this will be a waste. "  Joan laughed , shaking her head at her own comment as they exited the building. " Let's just take my car, capisce? "