
Hello, I just wanted to invite you to read my new story "This is Diane", a story about Diane's life that I'm writing, I'll put everything in there, from how her parents met, to her gift, thank you.


Well, in July I was facing some difficult situations but now everything is back to normal and I have more time to write. I want to continue the story I am writing but I am working in a new story from some ideas I had and I intend to write both. For now I'm more focused on the story that's coming up but I just want to let you know that in the next few weeks I'll be coming back with updates, bye!


Well... I first apologize to anyone reading the story I'm writing and anyone waiting for the sequel, but the truth is that a few weeks ago a drastic situation arose in my life and everything is changing now. I worry all day without getting this situation out of my head and in the very short time that I can think of something other than this situation, I leave it to responding to people and distracting myself from the problems I'm facing. I don't know how long this situation will last and if things will work out for me in the end, but I just know that I want to write soon and don't leave whoever is reading it waiting. I hope you understand me and once again, I apologize.


@ ID25227  Thank you so much... You have no idea how rewarding it is to be understood


@leh_vulgo_sonzer no, please take you time! This is just entertainment and your life matters more! I love you writing, and I understand completely. ❤️


Hii. From now on, every chapter of all my stories will have a song by my favorite singer, Luísa Sonza, and she is also my mother. I'm just going to do this because in each of my chapters I want to have a little piece of Lulu, and I'll always try to put songs that have to do with the plot of that chapter. And if someone happens to hear the song If you come in the comments and say it's bad or you don't like it, I'll block it. Don't get me wrong, but I don't want people to complain about my favorite singer's songs in my story. I'll edit now the first two chapters I wrote and put music. In a very few cases she even speaks English, but in the rest, it's just Portuguese. And I also say that I'm finishing my next chapter and I'm thinking about writing a separate story with some ideas I have. Thanks...


Ok, sorry for the delay in updating my story but April was a very busy month for me and translating a chapter from my language to English has been much more complicated than I thought. I already had my chapter ready but when it came to translating I couldn't convert from Google and I ended up losing the entire chapter and I'm rewriting it but I'm taking the opportunity to improve and I hope to post this week if possible.