Like Godzilla, I am rising from the depths to ... destroy Tokyo? Hold up. That's not it.
KAIROS has a publishing date - and a new name!
'THE ONCE AND FUTURE FLING'* will be hitting Barnes and Noble and online retailers November 7, 2023 - and I have FREE advanced digital copies to give away, so if you haven't had a chance to read the revised version, hit me up with your email address (either in a comment here or a PM, whichever you are more comfy with). To be ~totally transparent~ a digital copy is provided in exchange for an honest review.
I have a lot more I'd like to say, but I think the most important is 'thank you.' Thank you so much for following me on this journey. It's been a tough couple of years and sometimes I didn't think we were going to make it. But, to borrow a phrase from the Kairos Temporal Matchmaking Service - what is to be, will be, even if it never happens.
*Cute title, no? I think it's my favorite one so far.