
Hello everybody! 
          	It’s been a long while, I hope everybody is doing well and everyone’s 2023 is starting off great! 
          	I’ll be getting straight to the point, life hasn’t been ‘life-ing’ lately and I haven’t had time to write. I’ll be taking a break from Wattpad and this certain part of my life. I’ve been focusing on myself and my personal life such as living, working and studying. My mind and motivation hasn’t been brought towards writing for months now and it’s just unfortunate and bad timing. I hope you all can understand and if not I hope that one day you will. All of my books will remain uploaded on Wattpad nothing with that is changing. Take care and I’ll be sure to let everybody know when I start to write again. 
          	Much love, 
          	- Lei <33 


@leiiii403 I miss you sm! I already read the moonlight story and it was super amazing ! <3. I hope you’re okay and good! 


@leiiii403 I miss you and your work hope you are doing great in your life ! Just wanted to check on you coz its been so long I have heard from you . love you❤️


@leiiii403 take your time
          	  Btw i love your books


Hi author! And anyone seeing this I recently started writing my book, Cold Brew & A Hint of You, and would love for you to check it out if you have the time. Your thoughts would mean a lot to me!
          Thank you so much, and I appreciate any feedback you can share.
           Best wishes!!
          Here's the link--- 


And try my 2nd story as well... Thank you 
          This story is Dark romance.. Which is age for 18+...
          Mafia MMC = Bold MFC
          Dark romance 
          Arrogant MMC = Polite MFC
          She fall in love 1st but He fell harder.. 
          Dark past 
          Sexual assault / Attempt to rape 
                           And many more>