Sakurako contorted her brows and scrutinized you up and down, cupping her own chin in ponder. She hums as she did so. " hmm...you are a hacker you say?.. " the half Japanese asked as if antagonizing you. " Oracle and Error too are superb hackers. They can probably do it better than you can. " she said in a boastful way. " I have mastered the skill of hacking into many systems as well.. " she smirked, continuing to boast. " But Error has more experience than all of us combined.. " Sakurako shrugged her shoulders with nonchalance.

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@leikotheleek The female Robin chuckled and shrugged her shoulders yet again, clearly not intimidated at all. " I've lost an eye already and been through much worse, so it would make little difference. " the chuckle became a quiet laughter. " If you are attempting to intimidate me, then you suck ass at it. " she deadpanned. " You are merely human as I am. I know many of your weaknesses. Without your limb enhancers, you are nothing. Though, those limb enhancers would be quite simplistic to hack into.. " she turned her back and began to strut away, but glanced at Leiko over her shoulder, glaring harshly at her under her Robin eye-mask. " Oh and I implore of you to watch your tongue with me. Let's not forget that I was trained by assassins since 7 years of age and by the Batman himself. He taught me everything about hacking into systems and anticipating others moves. You may think of me as some mere child but I know more than you think.. " she gripped her batarang, though Leiko would not notice it since she had her back turned.

@--Robin-- Leiko furrowed her eyebrows and growled at The Half Japanese Teen. "Excuse me,did you just insult me,child?" She clutched her robotic fist,and smiled in a fake and angry way. "Don't mess with me,you little rat. You don't wanna see what happens when you make me mad."