
Hi guys thank you so much to everyone who has been reaching out to me about She's No Longer With The Band! I truly didn't realize how many people liked the original story and wanted me to finish the sequel. I've been so busy with school and work but going forward am going to try and update until I finish it. When I wrote She's With The Band I was like 15 so please excuse how cringy it is and awful as a whole LOL. But anyway, I will try to finish SNLWTB soon. I'm inactive on my TikTok account but maybe I should make another platform to promote the book and provide updates? Or maybe my actual personal account so I can connect with you guys easier? Lmk what you guys think.


thank you!! plsss i love this book!! 


Hi guys thank you so much to everyone who has been reaching out to me about She's No Longer With The Band! I truly didn't realize how many people liked the original story and wanted me to finish the sequel. I've been so busy with school and work but going forward am going to try and update until I finish it. When I wrote She's With The Band I was like 15 so please excuse how cringy it is and awful as a whole LOL. But anyway, I will try to finish SNLWTB soon. I'm inactive on my TikTok account but maybe I should make another platform to promote the book and provide updates? Or maybe my actual personal account so I can connect with you guys easier? Lmk what you guys think.


thank you!! plsss i love this book!! 


this message may be offensive
I finisned she's with the band And finished what you Have written for the second book AnD Now my life Is just all about hoping for a new chapter So i made a fucking playlist that reminds me of the story ...So i'm gonna leave IT here hehe https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5cX3BvLdf9DKAXCWZJHWPp?si=n-euOBg8Thahb26g-M2Mlw&pi=K_OvyzWpT7eqS


@wannabexartist Oh my gosh this is so amazing! thank you so much for making this!! I'm so sorry I'm just seeing this but this is so cool omg


guys ahhhh ik I haven't been on here in MONTHS... do I still continue SNLWTB or noooo ahhh :( I'm conflicted urgh


Pls pls pls do


Please do, it’s one of my fav books ever


please continue, it’s such a good story <3