
this message may be offensive
I FUCKING HATE EVERY SINGLE HUMAN AROUND ME! TF... all the people I'm trying my best to be good with..... they ignore me when they need to do their shit , like....... sure yah hoes don't come to me when you've got an English test coming up tomorrow and you need someone's help to revise. I ain't telling y'all shit though I've got the syllabus revised 10 times over. F u .


this message may be offensive
I FUCKING HATE EVERY SINGLE HUMAN AROUND ME! TF... all the people I'm trying my best to be good with..... they ignore me when they need to do their shit , like....... sure yah hoes don't come to me when you've got an English test coming up tomorrow and you need someone's help to revise. I ain't telling y'all shit though I've got the syllabus revised 10 times over. F u .


Pookieeee <33


@leiselotte I only had 5 hours of sleep because I had to learn for a test I had today TwT I‘m sooooo tired :,) But hru? :3


@x_M3GUM1_x nah Cuz what happened Bae? I'm all ears .


Omg… Ignore the miss lmaoo xD


I'm trying to figure out who your pfp is because it just looks like joker from persona five to me


@TheBasedTeen idk either....it's probably some random anime character....


hi :3 remember me?


@leiselotte how r u omg? its been so longgg. so much has happened!


@leiselotte omgggg i missed thiss app sm!


Being a misogynist is so gay—like why you treating a boy better than a girl anyway—I'm not gonna go around saying gay ppl aren't the best but that doesn't mean you become an misogynistic oaf tf...I hate ppl like that and would love to have em say those berating words to their own mother....if they can't the they better shut up .