
Hello everyone! 
          	I just wanted to wish all of you a happy new year and great health, especially in these times. I know that I‘m really inactive here and I‘m so sorry for everyone waiting for updates on chased by the dark:( I finally began writing the actual next chapter as I got a random burst of motivation but it’s nearly 2am here and I really need to sleep.
          	I do wanna finish it before school begins again but I can’t promise you anything, I‘ll get it done at some point for sure.
          	Thank you if you even read this far
          	Best wishes - Lele


Hello everyone! 
          I just wanted to wish all of you a happy new year and great health, especially in these times. I know that I‘m really inactive here and I‘m so sorry for everyone waiting for updates on chased by the dark:( I finally began writing the actual next chapter as I got a random burst of motivation but it’s nearly 2am here and I really need to sleep.
          I do wanna finish it before school begins again but I can’t promise you anything, I‘ll get it done at some point for sure.
          Thank you if you even read this far
          Best wishes - Lele


hello!! I'm not dead for those of you who started to wonder. Christmas time is really stressfull so I haven't found a lot of time to write nor the motivation I'd need. I also wanted to thank you all SO MUCH for 5k reads on "chased by the dark" I never imagined that it would get so many reads! I don't know when I'll update one of my books. I'll probably upload the bits I've written in a new chapter for "chased ny the dark" so y'all got something to read and I feel less pressure to update for you guys! I also wish all of you merry Christmas and a beautiful break<3 (for those of you who are on it, duhXD) Goodbye and have a lovely day!!