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i'm gonna take to this place to blog about writing, bc it's fitting, and no one is watching me. also i need to keep notes and my blog is not the place to do it. CHARACTERS: hard to write realistically. esp romance. the thing about jock-nerd type of /star-crossed/ storylines, and about what makes them compelling, is that they're supposedly total opposites right? but those are identities, and people are more than that. i think, to pull off something like that, with the identities clashing and whatnot, you have to make them fit *beyond* the identity. let the outer stuff clash, yes. but their deeper layers? should complement each other perfectly. and they should be able to help each other on the 'why-am-i-like-this:(' layer. and that's where the magic happens. the only problem is.... that shit is hard to figure out. funny how us as humans pick up so many deep-seated issues as we go along but find it so hard to recognize them that we can't even assign them to fictional ppl. lol. i probably sound like gibberish to normal people. philosophy of writing hahaha oh what do, what do.