So just a few minutes ago, we held an orientation for my school. I was informed yesterday that it would start around 10 am. It got delayed due to technical difficulties. I didn't mind this and they said it would start at 4 in the afternoon. 4pm comes around and still nothing. I was pissed because I had to do my chores quickly, only to find out that I could've taken my sweet time.
Around 7:30, my mom tells me the orientation would start at 8. It may not sound bad, but you have to consider the fact that I've been awake since 10 pm yesterday. I thought it would take an hour at most, but I was dead wrong.
It turns out, it would be 2 HOURS LONG. My brain is dead. And now I still need to be awake because I'm on stand by. There's still more announcements and I am generally upset. I am now counting on IDK HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME, Gerard Way, Ricky Montgomery, Vance Joy, and Harley Poe to keep alive