
i am sorry for not continuing the story i might make short stories about anything but okay.. i'll try continue the story around June. I'll update soon okay.


to everyone who wants me to continue the fan fic i made, i think i couldnt finish it i am sorry i have no time at all but i wont delete it. If any of you guys want to continue it then go ahead BUT ASK MY PERMISSION FIRST AND TELL ME YOUR PLANS FOR THE STORY AND IF I LET YOU, START THE STORY PLEASE GIVE CREDITS TO ME FOR THE IDEA, Thankyouverymuch. I am so sorry. the story seems so carroty lol 'carroty' okay but its cute for me whatever lol anD if noone would like to continue it in a month then i have no choice to delete it. DONT FORGET WHAT I JUST ABOUT THE CREDITS AND THE PERMISSION OKAY PLEASE thank you loveyou all