
@xosoccer4everxo I feel so special now, but don't rush into reading it, school first, eh :) Good luck on your assignment and stupid science test. what are you doing in science? I love you the most<3


Hey missy! :) Olivia here aka @PartiiLuvR, Molly's best friend. She told me specifically to drop you a message to inform you that she wont be able to reply to your message for a few days as she isn't feeling great. She had an accident yday- she fell down a flight of stairs, was knocked out cold, dislocated her pelvis & broke her arm. She's home and in good form but she's tired and sore (as is expected). She told me to tell you she'd a brilliant time saturday night (I agree, it was a fantastic party :P) and she'll tell you everything the second she feels a bit better! :)