
Alright so my mood improved lots thanks to my big bro & my bestie.I’m taking a break from my current stories and have decided to write a new one shot.This one shot won’t feature Sonic unless it’s heavily demanded(it won’t be cuz I barely know a lot of peeps rn and my stories ain’t popular lmao(or maybe it will because I originally envisioned it as such-)).If i end up really happy with the one shot and/or a lot of people like it then I’ll most likely make it into a series. The story is currently in its planning phase so-after reading the description of it-you can add ideas you think would fit the story and the flow/vibe of the song(mainly based on original but has vibes of remixes).THIS IS A NO JUDGE ZONE! Any people who’s ideas I use will be credited. 
          	I assume most people who read this are gonna know the song “pumped up kicks” by “foster the people” and what the song means.This story is based of that song along with a few personal thoughts and feelings [that I will not act on].
          	The story is about a kid who was a really kind kid. As he grew older he slowly started to realize how corrupt the world was. At 15 he found some people who he really connected with. Becoming really close with two best friends and 6 siblings he started to finally figure out who he was. Turning 16 however he began to have some pretty negative thoughts, thinking about death and the sort. He loved to be a kid and that’s what a lot of people wanted to take away. His best friends and brothers kinda separated but there were two who were always on his mind. One made him promise to not turn to his death but they both promised to never leave his side...they upheld that as strong as they could.He vowed that he would do whatever he could to uphold the trio-even if it cost his life...or others. 
          	Main character based on me-not sure if I want to follow through with that and make him like my inner self(Trans and all)or just grow him to be his own. Might be a mix of all. LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS!![please!]


@lerxyellow sir, this is a Wendy's 


          	  My friend:Christmas tree oh Christmas tree~
          	  Me:oh how I wish you to strangle me~


@lerxyellow I doubt you've ever done anything awful, don't discredit yourself. Our biggest judges will always be ourselves, and that's why we should ignore them. We are so used to ourselves we never notice anything good because that's what we are used to. If a SANE person says something is bad, then there is. I can assure you there is nothing wrong with you in any way :)
          And ty, it means a lot.


Alright so my mood improved lots thanks to my big bro & my bestie.I’m taking a break from my current stories and have decided to write a new one shot.This one shot won’t feature Sonic unless it’s heavily demanded(it won’t be cuz I barely know a lot of peeps rn and my stories ain’t popular lmao(or maybe it will because I originally envisioned it as such-)).If i end up really happy with the one shot and/or a lot of people like it then I’ll most likely make it into a series. The story is currently in its planning phase so-after reading the description of it-you can add ideas you think would fit the story and the flow/vibe of the song(mainly based on original but has vibes of remixes).THIS IS A NO JUDGE ZONE! Any people who’s ideas I use will be credited. 
          I assume most people who read this are gonna know the song “pumped up kicks” by “foster the people” and what the song means.This story is based of that song along with a few personal thoughts and feelings [that I will not act on].
          The story is about a kid who was a really kind kid. As he grew older he slowly started to realize how corrupt the world was. At 15 he found some people who he really connected with. Becoming really close with two best friends and 6 siblings he started to finally figure out who he was. Turning 16 however he began to have some pretty negative thoughts, thinking about death and the sort. He loved to be a kid and that’s what a lot of people wanted to take away. His best friends and brothers kinda separated but there were two who were always on his mind. One made him promise to not turn to his death but they both promised to never leave his side...they upheld that as strong as they could.He vowed that he would do whatever he could to uphold the trio-even if it cost his life...or others. 
          Main character based on me-not sure if I want to follow through with that and make him like my inner self(Trans and all)or just grow him to be his own. Might be a mix of all. LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS!![please!]


@lerxyellow sir, this is a Wendy's 


            My friend:Christmas tree oh Christmas tree~
            Me:oh how I wish you to strangle me~


I’m taking a break, I won’t be posting for a while and I don’t know when I’ll start again. Some stuff has happened and I’m really not equipped to write anything sane. I’ll still come on sometimes to check and possibly answer pings but yea.


@lerxyellow Well, I hope things get better for you :)


            Yea ig-hope you resolve those family issues and drama *hug* 
            Hope I resolve most of em...some can’t be fixed though...


Am I gay or am I straight?:/


            What are you apologizing for? 
            That’s good, and my days been up and down-actually I’m not entirely sure haha-


@lerxyellow I'm sorry. My days been okay, wbu?


I’ve been gone for a few months but I’ve returned. I should resume posting within a week or so. 
          For my discord peeps:
          Discord currently isn’t working (again, yes I still have that shitty phone) so I’m going to be messaging through watt pad for now. (Yes, still orphaned so don’t even ask lol)


            Ale, and I’m glad your doing at least a little better


@lerxyellow I'll tell you everything once we start talking through email.. And as for how I'm doing, currently I'm doing better than I was.