
Hey! I’m not sure if you’re still active here but I just wanted to say that your writing is legitimately better then some Bestselling novels I have read before! It’s so damn impressive how you describe feelings and appearances, especially with moments where a character is experiencing something like a panic attack(I have panic attacks and had been in a mental hospital where other patients would have breakdowns so I know from experience how accurate your descriptions are) My god I seriously could go on and on about how much I love your writing but I feel like it’s getting creepy/weird at this point so I’ll quit rambling lol. Idk if you mind me asking, but could we many get another kuzusouda fic in the oneshot collection? That’s all, have a great day :)


hi wbt ur oneshot book, just to clarify, they arent minors,they shld b 18 or 19 cause their memories were taken which was like 2 years and they thought they were 16 bc they didnt know that their memories were taken 2 years back, meaning their age is 18-19 which i dont think is a minor. 


yes but in scenarios where they’re trapped in the school, they believe that they’re minors, and therefore should be treated as such. this especially applies to the neoworld program where not only do they believe they’re minors, they also have the bodies of minors (although fictional). even though they’re technically of age, it still makes me uncomfortable to sexualize them.