
What book should I start a new chapter for?


Probably nobody will answer to this but hi babes is le’shaya, what plot/idea do you like for a new rookxcolson story 1.step brothers 
          2. arranged marriage 


@emmagunn12  aye,yay!.dm me your plot 


@suckmjass Yes that would be a great story and I think I have plot for it


Ive been wanting to update most of my recent stories but I've been so damn sick with a cold my nose is stuffed so bad my throat hurts some days I can't talk or swollow and some days I'm extra tired even with more then 2-3 cups of my normal coffee and on top of that my anxiety makes my body shake and I just get so weird nd start shaking more and I have really bad allergies that my nose is  itchy and my eyes water and my ears keep getting all plugged and ringy I hate this I can't sleep/breath it even hurts to more and today was the worse day of my life.how's your week (I've been like this for 2 weeks now) and are you sick or are you doing well (scale on 1-20) (im a huge fate 0)