ini random banget sih, even tho I haven't write/publish any book again for a while, but I do have a story draft that I haven't publish yet bc it's still not finished. TAPII baru-baru ini pas ngintip lagi draft terus baca satu part, I feel like have the urge to publish it ASAP but I have to finish it first kan???? The thing is, I don't have time to imagine it for the next chapter bc I still have to do my 1/3 on top of everything. Please pray for me to do it good. WHY is I feel sort of feeling like that?? Bc I think, cerita-cerita yg sekarang tuh, apalagi fantasinya ya, mostly reincarnation, terus belum lagi the hashtags and the genre doesn't match at all demi dapetin ranking kayak hello??!?? Dan my draft book itu kayak sesuatu hal yg fresh from any book I've seen/read. That's why I feel like I need to publish this book ASAP, not to mention I praising myself for the book I wrote ya. It's just i feel like Wattpad is getting boring and people nowadays just wanted to earn money. Kalau dulu kan kita nulis ya buat menyalurkan hobi dan fantasi kita sendiri yang gak bakal kita raih di kehidupan kita sendiri.

Sekarang sih yg gue liat mostly the writer's cari pasar disini terus moved out to the paid platforms which is for me gak adil ya. If you're about to post there in the first place, yaudah just go there dan jangan ngegantungin pembaca yg only using this platform gitu loh. Kalau mau promote another story you've write there yg totally different from what youve write here, yaudah it's totally fine karena you did show your writing value here so if people wanted to see/read/discover more of your writing just say 'reach me out on this app to see more of my writing's' or something similar like that lah. Jadi as a reader we know kalau 'oh dia base nulisnya bukan di platform ini, but I like their writing so I'm gonna go there' and etc. Sorry agak curcol how I felt as a reader this past 4/5/6 years. Kayak sebel aja gitu tiba2 di part yg klimaks ceritanya, bisa-bisanya dicut setengah dan disuruh lanjut baca di platform lain dan berbayar. Kayak ini cerita udh mau beres loh, tapi nanggung amat sisanya disuruh pindah dan bayar. Kenapa gak dari awal aja gituuuuuuuu hhhhhhhhhhhhh. Also I know, there will be 0 people that gonna read this message, but I hope sooner I could post the draft book I've ever want to read it by myself too hahahaha. Thanks for your attention, c u later <3