
Hello Everyone! We are currently renewing the Books of Flame book to make it better. We highly request you to do a re-read of all the chapters  as we are improving it due to popular demand.


Hello there, my dear fans! I know that we haven't uploaded another chapter even after so long. It's not that we are slacking off or anything. We are actually very busy with visualising the book by art (yes art!) We are thrilled to show you so much; it puts things into perspective. We are also getting ready to launch the new book, HellComing too! It's quite a good book and we are also considering migrating to more platforms. Stay Tuned for all the news. The best way to stay tuned is to join the discord, the link is in the book :)
          Keep Waiting for the thrilling new chapter that is. War on Calwadark.
          Thank you so much for waiting, we appreciate it <3