
Hi everyone
          	How are you all doing? Hope all are fine.
          	First of all i am really very sorry for not updating any story i was busy with studies and exam but when I opened Wattpad i was hell disappointed  there was no comment or even a message . Guys really tell me do you all really loving my story if not then at least let me know don't be a silent reader. Anyway I am going to complete MY STEPMOTHER first then i will be working on my other stories till that time all Stories will be in hold except MY STEPMOTHER.
          	Will posting the chapter tomorrow or on Monday. Hope this time you guys will comment at least.
          	Can I get a shout out 
          	Thank you 


Hi everyone
          How are you all doing? Hope all are fine.
          First of all i am really very sorry for not updating any story i was busy with studies and exam but when I opened Wattpad i was hell disappointed  there was no comment or even a message . Guys really tell me do you all really loving my story if not then at least let me know don't be a silent reader. Anyway I am going to complete MY STEPMOTHER first then i will be working on my other stories till that time all Stories will be in hold except MY STEPMOTHER.
          Will posting the chapter tomorrow or on Monday. Hope this time you guys will comment at least.
          Can I get a shout out 
          Thank you 


          Hope you are enjoying re-reading 
          Second chance to life! 
          ~ SEJAL ♥️


@siddharthoholic can I get shout out for forced love book? 


Important announcement 
          I am having  fever  + I have pretty boards from 18th so will not be able to post anything chapter.  From 18th to 29th October I have exams and then in mind November probably I will be having  boards so I need focus in my studies . After my exam gets over  I will be posting the chapters