
I've re-written this for the nth time. Insane. Here's to hoping that it's going to be the last time *cross fingers*. Please read and join me in this journey if you think you can handle completely fantastical and oddly unhinged story lines. Which is actually just my way of saying, 'this story is crazy pls read if you think you can match my freak'. Thanks. xoxo


@letmewritethewords Hello! I hope the New Year is going well for you.  Just wondering if you will be continuing Serendipity?  I hope you plan to, it reads so well. Thanks.


I've re-written this for the nth time. Insane. Here's to hoping that it's going to be the last time *cross fingers*. Please read and join me in this journey if you think you can handle completely fantastical and oddly unhinged story lines. Which is actually just my way of saying, 'this story is crazy pls read if you think you can match my freak'. Thanks. xoxo


@letmewritethewords Hello! I hope the New Year is going well for you.  Just wondering if you will be continuing Serendipity?  I hope you plan to, it reads so well. Thanks.


To anyone who celebrated/are celebrating/will be celebrating their birthdays this September, happy birthday to all of us!


@Readitlit Thank you (≧∇≦)/


Good evening. It's been awhile since the last time I've been here and it was heartwarming to see all the comments and follows from you guys. Thank you for making me feel things:) Currently, my head is full of ChainPun and TanFang and the rest of the We Are Gang plus The Eraser Alliance. Might publish a short piece soon when the time is right. Hope you will continue to support my works. You guys are my oasis. With love, Liz.


@letmewritethewords I look forward to any project you start! I enjoy your stories and style of writing.  Thank you for sharing your talent.


I understand some of us read fanfictions as a form of escapism and are usually drawn to stories with happy endings but are there thai bl fanfictions in here with sad endings? 
          Please feel free to drop the titles here if you know one. Tysm.


@Readitlit Thank you for the rec. ^^


@Readitlit Guilt TO love.  MeanPlan story.


@letmewritethewords I know I have read some and I am thinking you want more info than that.  Let me browse what I read to see if I remember them.


Anyone who knows a good thaibl arranged marriage fic? Please send me recommendations if it wasn't too much to ask. Many thanks in advance.


@hvidnoire It wasn't good. *hides in embarrassment* But thank you for trying to find one. And let me know if you've across a good story with that plot.


@letmewritethewords I went through my WP list cause I know I read a YW one before, but when I checked it, it was yours so 


Just watched the pilot episode of thai bl Venus in the Sky. Such a gem. I wish tomorrow is already September. 


@letmewritethewords No worries! :D I’m watching “8th sense” right now, “our dating sim” was really cute and now I’m waiting for “happy merry ending” scheduled for later this year. I’m kind of struggling with Thai bls right now tho, can’t really get into them. Any recent gems you’d recommend? Have also been binging some Japanese ones too, lol, I’m all over the place T_T


@letmewritethewords I dig the thai bl, The Promise too. The actors are very convincing in their roles and though I'm a sucker for mostly enemies-to-lovers plotlines, I love how those two are bestfriends and how their closeness borders on close friend dynamic to old married couple vibes. ♡♡♡


@myIDEYA Got the memo late. Huhu. When I saw the Pilot Episode tag I thought it was the first of the weekly episodes. Now I know they meant like a teaser. 
            Right, there are far too many bls recently. I'm no way complaining though. Haha. The Promise (thai bl) is a good one too. What kbl series are you most excited about?


A tiara can't make a princess, 
          A stethoscope won't make you a doctor.
          A carpenter isn't one just because he has a hammer,
          And a pen is not enough to tell if someone is a writer.
          Symbols and signs can be misleading,
          Actions and words can be confusing.
          Say, 'I love you' if you need to.
          Say, 'I hate you' if you want to.
          But never say, 'I need you' when you don't believe it,
          Nor say, 'Stay' when you don't mean it. 
          Most people would rather hear your hard truths,
          Than bask in the pretend love of your lies and half-truths.
          Trying to revise a draft for, Love Is A Thousand Lies and getting a headache in the process. Sorry guys, I tried. T~T