hey guys idk if y’all remember me but i’m alive haha. it’s been a pretty hectic few years for me but even more so for kpop and my relationship with it, which i ultimately put on hold to focus on other things. as a result my writing got left behind as well. i won’t say ill be back to writing as usual but i will be striving towards it. i wanna clean up some of the soulmate series and maybe post the drafts that i have as well. i really appreciate everyone who has shown love to my stories and i hope to continue to do so!! <3

@lets_w1nw1n omg time must really past really fast cuz what?? its been more than like a year?!?!? anyways i really love renjun's book so if u can finish it i'll be like iver the moon lol (u dont really have to cuz its you before us lol dw abt me if u dont update)

Omg I didn’t realise that you’ve disappeared for a whole year. I missed seeing you on here!! Hope you’re doing well.