
Hey guys just a quick announcement regarding Waves. I know this book only has one chapter so far and hasn't been updated in over a year and I think that's because I'm struggling to write another fanfic with someone else's characters. Obviously Percy, Annabeth and all Rick Riordan's other characters will always be important to me and I loved writing my other fanfic however it's been like 6 years since I started it and I've changed a lot as a person. I no longer feel I can effectively write and enjoy writing when I'm using someone else's characters, it was a great stepping stone but i want to start creating my own worlds now. For this reason, I will be changing Waves from a fanfic to my own original work. The first chapter will stay the same, apart from the names. I know many of you will only be reading it due to interest in PJO fanfiction and  after reading my other story so I understand this will disappoint people and as such I will probably lose readers but this is what has to happen in order for me to write again. 
          	Basically, I will not be writing any more pjo fanfiction. I'm really sorry if this disappoints people but it has to be done so I can go back to doing something that I love. I hope you'll stick around and enjoy my original work but I fully understand if you're only interested in PJO fanfics. Thank you all for your support and interest in my work over the years, it means a lot to me and always will.


@letsreadpunk im sad but happy im sadpy LOL


honestly you are the best . 


a book is a book, no matter what concept