Welcome to Let's Read SMUT!
We're a book club community created to help Recommend, Support & Promote the smutty Indie Erotic Romance Author's on Wattpad!
If you'd like to join, please read the Let's Read SMUT Story and chapters to understand how the club works. As of right now, Let's Read SMUT has not officially launched and will not until we gain enough recommended stories and readers, so get to recommending your fave smutty author's and share and recruit your smutty friends and authors to join our club. Let's get this party started!
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Thank you for supporting our Indie Erotic Author Recommend, Promote and Support Group! We can't wait to start promoting the SMUTTIEST of stories on Wattpad to you all!
Have a smutty day, you smutster!
Let's Read SMUT Team