
Officially starting my second book today! I'm currently working on the outline on a doc and then I'm gonna start writing chapters!! Gonna keep it a secret for right now, but I'm super excited!


Just finished writing Always You! I scheduled all the parts to publish on their own! Two chapters tomorrow, one Wednesday and two Thursday! Thank you guys for being a part of this book and this little universe I created! I hope you all enjoy the last couple chapters!


How do we feel about 28 chapter for part 2! I did a little more outlining today and I'm hoping for it to be 28 so it matches the first part! I also have up to chapter 15 written... Y'all are gonna hate me so bad LOL. Anyways yeah let me know some thoughts. I also already have plans for another book (maybe 2) after this one! More Matt fanfics of course!


I'm back! Sorry for being away for so long... I honestly just lost interest in always you. But I'm back and ready to finish it! Will have a chapter up by the end of the day ;) gonna spend all day writing a couple chapters!