
Clockwork princess....omg I was in my room sobbing at midnight cursing existence. And yay someone I can fangirl with!


If you wonderful people could possibly go a check out my new story Whatever This Is that would be amazing! I literally just started it last night and I don't really know if I should continue with it... Here's the summary: 
          Emery Landing is perfectly happy living her life through books, but when a certain boy named Ethan knocks on her door with the idea that he can make her reality better than her traditional romantic comedy, she's intrigued. With the help of fate and some overdramatic friends, Emery and Ethan find themselves in more awkward and unusual situations than the average person would think possible. 
          And then here's a snippet: 
          I opened up the door and gave a skeptical look to the unfamiliar (not unattractive) boy about my age who was standing there with an expectant look on his face.
          "I don't want to join your religion or buy girl scout cookies. Goodbye," I told the not unattractive boy before shutting the door and heading back to my room. However, apparently the boy had a different idea since he knocked once again.
          I opened the door and sighed, "Okay who are you and why are you here?"