
Yuk mood nulis balik yukkk 


@ letussee  kak kangen :((


I really want to write a story, but my head full of exercises. So sorry guys, maybe I'll focus to task for a week :((
          Honestly, I want to make "Burn Out" ending soon :"
          You must know what in Win thought and Bright thought, how crowded there >,<


Hai ada story baru nih buat kamu, dibaca yuk
          yg ini cast nya Wonwoo SEVENTEEN sama Kyulkyung Ex-IOI https://www.wattpad.com/story/123141702-half-my-time-wonwoo-kyulkyung
          kalo yg ini cast nya Jaehyun NCT sama Rose Blackpink https://www.wattpad.com/story/231275033-us-jaehyun-rose
          kalo suka sama ceritaku jangan lupa tinggalin jejak cote dan comment ya, kalo ada kritik dan saran yg dapat membangun story ku dipersilakan. Ceritaku beda dengan yg lain loh.... kepo ngga? baca aja dulu yuk dijamin ngga nyesel kok