61 Followers?! Holy crap! I've been gone for months... I feel harrible af now. Well I'm back from hiatus. I'm gonna try to get out a chapter a week now that im happier with life.
61 Followers?! Holy crap! I've been gone for months... I feel harrible af now. Well I'm back from hiatus. I'm gonna try to get out a chapter a week now that im happier with life.
Jammerblue08716 shot Levi
Levi is presumed dead,
therefore will not be able to say if Natsu is alive or not.
(in The Mute Boy 2.5)
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Happy new Year's! Guess what I just planned out the plot for the entire story for My Stingue Story. Hope you guys have a great New Year's. It doesn't start for me for another 32 min though.
I see a lot of people are enjoying Random Gratsu Ideas. I'm happy people enjoy it and hope I can get people to smile and make their days better, if even only a little. I shall be updating soon. Love you all, my paps.