
Hi guys,
          	Unfortunately Chapter 27 of Turning Page would not be out this week.
          	It's finished, but I've been very busy looking for a house, and didn't have the time to edit it. It should be out on next Saturday!


LOVED your book!! please update soon <3


@societyofdead Hello, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to update in 2 weeks lol, I took wayy to long . I'm sorry I keep you waiting for too long.
            (Also just incase you've lost interest in the book, that's completely alright. You don't have to read the chapter if you don't want too. I just wanted to apologize because I didn't keep my word lmao)


i’ll be looking forward to it :)


I lost access to my other account so I’m rereading the whole thing again.  Miss you girl. Come back


@Alexandra218943 I'm so happy to know you're still here, reading the fic 


@leviscoffeecup yay!! I can’t wait!!  This fix has me in a chokehold haha


You've motivated me to write though!! I'll write today for sure  (also I did do some more writing over the past month) and pls stay in touch through wattpad 


Hey, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you right now. You haven't updated in kind of a while and I'm just here to ask you if everything's alright 


@gigiluvvr I honestly can't thank you enough for being so understanding and patient with the fic. I'm have been pretty concerned with how long I'm taking and how I've probably lost most of my readers. So thank you for still hanging in there with me. 


@ gigiluvvr  I suggest you take your time and when you feel the chapters are ready to be published and you are satisfied with your work then publish it (either way I still feel they're gonna be fine pieces of work because I trust you)


@gigiluvvr you're not bothering me at all, in fact thank you so much for asking! I'm alright, I've just been really busy with my college work, that its genuinely really hard to take time out to write my fic.
            But its not like there's no progress. So far I'm done rewriting chapters 17 to 20. And I've written 50% of chapters 21, 22, 23 25, 25, 26 and 27(It's all over the place  lol). In fact I was planning to publish chapter 17 yesterday as the AOT final episode came out, but I don't know, I kind of don't feel ready to start publishing again, Especially when I don't know when I'll be done with the rest of the fic.
            Do you have any suggestions? What do you think I should do?


Heyy, it's been long, and I'm sorry for not giving any regular updates and just disappearing into some void, but so much has changed in my life, and in the next 2 months I'll be shifting to the states, for a foreign exchange program.
          And even though I haven't written as much of turning page as I thought I would, some progress has been made;)
          The next chapter will be out on 9th June, and regular updates will continue, for a month after, at the least.
          Also thank you for being so patient with this fic. I know I haven't been the best at being consistent for quite a while now. But I promise to be regular after this, because I'm coming back home for 2 months, and writing this fic will be a priority for me then.
          See you on 9th June! And I hope you have a great day ahead!


@gigiluvvr  You don't know how happy it makes me to see you here again. <3


@ leviscoffeecup  take your time hun!! Can't wait for the next update 