
╱      here you go      -     !      úwù
          the purple haired female      ,      quickly rushed around a corner       ,      late for her class       ,
          again       .      her choppy uneven      ,     hair      ,      bounced along with her       ,       as she was rushing her way towards class         .        that is      -      until her clumsy self tripped over a hard metal male        .       she hovered over him       ,       a dark shade of red coming across her cheeks           .
          “      awe man      !      I tripped again      !      why does gravity hate me so much        ?     !       ”      she whined        ,       a small whimper coming out of her mouth       .      she looked down at the robotic male      ,      panicking       .
          she scooted off of him          ,       “      I’m so sorry sir       ,       please don’t hate me        !       ”
          she apologized quickly         .


╱      ik they’re both from different danganronpa’s but may i leave down a starter      ?     qwq


            ╱     ofc      ,   
            I too am a detailed role player     -      but I am completely fine with however you roleplay      ,      just have fun      !      : )


@lewdistnurse / yEs, warning I'm fairly new to doing more detailed rp so forgive me if I'm bad