Reading Lists
Heyyy! I'm almost done with my exams and that only means one thing, I'm ready to come back aaaaand... finish Professor Uchiha book 2!! That is my plan for the next month at least. I know I've been keeping you guys on hold for a long time, but I promise I'll get to it soon and we will have an ending. :) Sending you all hugs and love! ❤️
Heyyy! I'm almost done with my exams and that only means one thing, I'm ready to come back aaaaand... finish Professor Uchiha book 2!! That is my plan for the next month at least. I know I've been keeping you guys on hold for a long time, but I promise I'll get to it soon and we will have an ending. :) Sending you all hugs and love! ❤️
Beautiful message ❤️
Hi. :) I just wanted to come here rq to say that it's been a year since I met @Asaierii through this app. I think it's worth writing this little thing because she has been and still is one of the most important people in my life. Although I grew quite sour when it comes to Wattpad for the way it treats its authors, I will forever be grateful that I found here my forever bestfriend. I didn't think I could find such a kind, smart, funny, loving and supportive friend, ever. But I did, she is, and so much more than that. And it would take me a book to express how much she means to me and how I love her, but I want to keep this short. @Asaierii, you've shown me unconditional love and true friendship. Thank you for being the bestest friend I could've ever wished for. We've been through our worst and best moments together this past year and I don't think anyone will ever replace you. Although we couldn't be physically together, it never felt like that. You were always there and I was always there. I admire our friendship a lot because of that. Because of the way we show up for eachother and support anything the other one does. It's quite rare to find something like we have and that's more of a reason for me to cherish it. :) I hope the day comes when we finally get to hangout, not just through a facetime:(. I love you to bits, my dear @Asaierii. Thank you for being you. I'm sure that we are friends in every Universe. ❤️
Are U alive
Thank you for 19k reads on Professor Uchiha. This book is almost one year old ahhh. I'm very grateful to the people who take their time and read it and support me. I appreciate you all <3, so much. You have no idea how happy it makes me to know that the book is growing! :') Hugs and love. ❤️
New Pfp looking cool ❤️❤️
Hi. I know I've been missing for a very long time. Your girl had her whole world turned upside down these past few months. Everyone has these phases and I think it's healthy to take a step back when you feel like things are too much for you. I was not in the right state to write. And considering how I dumped last year so many books, and I only recently realized how much I've written in such a short span of a few months, I think taking a break was what I needed. It was too draining. I'd rather do things with love, not forced. I'm getting myself back, and I have started to write again today a little, for Professor Uchiha Book 2. While these next few weeks are filled with tests for uni, I still want to write a bit and maybe finally put out a new chapter this week or the next one. I'm sorry for all the readers who waited so long for an update, but I hope you'll understand I'm human too. Sending you all lots of love and hugs, as usual. ❤️
@K-project-lover19 aww thank you for the sweet words! I'm glad I'm back as well. I missed you all a lot.❤️
@lexiee86 Hope you are doing well! Everyone needs a break sometimes❤️❤️ I'm glad you're back ❤️
My top 10 nicest people in wattpad ❤️
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