
@rigabamboo13 Yeah sorry I've been having a lot of problems lately too so it might be tensions are a little high


@lexielou_who One more thing, Mckayla actually suggested it, I'm probably annoying the heck out if you and I appolagize. But my neutral face isn't a glare. I know it looks like one and people tend to think I'm angry when I'm really not. Also sometimes I say things without thinking, that gets me into heaps of trouble. And I can't always control my tone of voice. Example: Ella's friend Madison called her and they'd been on the phone for about twenty minutes. Pretty soon we had to go to diving. Mom had to get out the door and Ella tole Madison she had to hang up. But Madison wouldn't let her. [I should mention that this was on speaker phone] So I decided to take charge. I said, "Madison, Ella really needs to go". Sounds polite? Well now imagine saying that in the coldest tone of voice possible, not too polite anymore. I was practically sneering. So yeah, those are not things that I am proud of.


@rigabamboo13 ok you saying that really made me feel better and I don't think that sounded mean. I've just been worried for a while(like all summer)  because every time I tried to talk to you,  you seemed mad or just like you didn't want to talk to me or you were trying to shove me off and this Wednesday seemed fine but today I asked you a question( not just to you but to you Mari and kayla)  and none of you answered so I thought you didn't want to talk to me.  I guess it was just all in my head.  And Mckayla said you've been having a hard time so I didn't want to say anything 


@lexielou_who Ok, this is going to sound totally mean because I'm so terrible at explaining things but here it goes. Lexie, no one from church hates you. I know you ask me this question all the time, "do you hate me"? The answer is and will always be a firm no. I don't always talk to you because every time I want to your talking to Sam and it would be rude to interrupt and I don't particularly like butting in on conversations, probably because I hate when my little sister does it to me. Lexie, nobody [that I know] hates you. Your a good person [okay this is going to sound mean] but just because I didn't talk to you or didn't make eye contact with you or something like that does not mean that I hate you. [See how mean that sounded] You keep asking if I hate you and I would like to know why. Have I intentionally done something to make you think that I hate you? Because if I did please tell me so I can fix it. If you're worried about the un following thing I asked everyone to do it, you weren't even the first person I asked. Lexie, no one hates you. [guess what? This is going to sound incredibly horrifying and mean] I wish you'd stop worrying about it because every time I hear that you think that I hate you it drives me crazy. Why would I hate you Lexie? You've never given me a reason to. Trust me, if I hated you, I would tell you straight out in all seriousness, I've done it multiple times and am not afraid to be straight forward. Lexie I do NOT hate you. Neither does Mckayla, Mari or anybody. You may not believe this and that's your choice. Just know that God knows I'm being fully honest. No part of this is a lie. [see, I'm awful at this kinda stuff]