
Hi there Army! Thanks for giving my work a chance. Feel free to let me know your thoughts about it. :)


@lexiilooves omg. I haven't responded to this beautiful message. tbh, I sometimes feel worried if my readers still like what I write. Especially how things are going right now, with Rozie and JK really happening. I fear that since my story isn't really 'fairytale' ish, readers may react differently.


@ Kalliopey  Im excited to read the update, cant wait!
            Well I still hope Yoongi gets a happy end, I really do, it breaks my heart at the moment. Although I personally cant really see that happening anymore, its seems unrealistic at that point. Jungkook will never be ok with that and accept it, Rozie I guess has already developed some feelings and Yoongi has already done so much, he went above and beyond for this girl. Uuugh. Its frustrating  and on top of that he even seems like the type of person who would say to her he wants her to be happy even if it is with Jungkook then he will not stand in the way 
            Anyway, thats my thoughts at the moment. I love your book either way. Its amazing. And its so exciting to not know what will happen in the end. Everythings possible 


@lexiilooves aww appreciate the compliment. I'll be posting an update later. Please look forward to it. Which side are you leaning towards so far. I'm curious : )