Hey everyone I kinda need some help to find a story that absolutely love but I can’t remember the name of it I’ll list some things that I rennet and if you have any idea please please let me know!!! Thank you everyone!! Her ancestor a greedy man made a deal with the king of hell to make him rich and I exchange he could have his first born son so he went to a witch and she made it so his family line can only have girl so when the devil comes to collect the boy years later he finds there are no boys and takes a girl that looks the closest to her ancestor she meets him at first when she is looking at an old painting of the ancestor later in the story she gets kidnapped by demons in hell and she uses powers to free herself and she walks across a bridge and makes the fire rise to look dramatic then she falls into her lovers (aka the devil?) arms and then the story ends shorty after. If anyone has any ideas of what this story is called please please message me thank You for reading sorry for the terrible description:)