


@BiancaSantana880  ok you what to tell me what happened


@BiancaSantana880 hey are you doing ok


Thanks for adding my the bad guys book to your reading list (:


@lexjones12  and thanks for adding two of my other stories .




@BiancaSantana880  Five night Freddy movie this chapter called Eddie and Princess flashbacks.  They are 20-year-old princess I. Her room was reading a book when Eddie texted princess what to get something to eat and go walk around the park but the princess didn’t know what Eddie had in plan. Princess agreed to eat and go to the park then Princess texted the bad guys she was going out with Eddie. After 20 minutes Eddie walks to the house knock and Princess opens the door they walk to the cafe after they are done eat and they go to the park walk for a little while then they stop at Beautiful trees and get on one knee say to Princess first we met at school you were my first real friend I could never ask for. I am happy to have you in my life I don’t care what our parents think or say about us I want to be more than just a friend Princess Chesterfield will you marry me?  Eddie puts out a ring Princess nods meaning yes they kiss and Eddie puts ring on princes walks back to the bad guys house (don’t know how to tell the parents about their getting married so need help)1 years after Eddie's purpose. The wedding is starting Eddie is waiting for princess to come they hear they Music princess in beautiful dress with wolf down hall way the bad guys are happy for princess.  Princess at the top with Eddie and wolf go back to he seat after they vows and put ring on and kiss make they husband and wife all the family members take family pictures 
            They move to they own house 2 year for now princess is pregnant after Eddie work at mall security Eddie got home she tell Eddie he was very happy they tell the parents they going have baby parents is very happy 
            after 9 months princess in hospital have baby and Eddie with princess after 10 minutes of pull  they have baby boy name Thomas or Tom. Parents in wanting room Doctor come with him see they grandson they princess and Eddie in room they saw Thomas come and hold baby every one of them hold baby take family pictures


@BiancaSantana880 yes you have my Instagram is called Kayannavelasquez


@lexjones12 in Halloween yes fnaf is gonna be a Halloween story but go ahead 


Hello!  Thanks for adding Myla & The Bad Guys to your list!  


No problem, I hope you enjoy it 


That very nice of you