RESSE YOUNG .. at a young age you were sent away, sent away to be poked and prodded like a test rat. they turned you into a violent monster, when you were young they tricked you. told you they would let you go back to your family again. it was a lie, they never let you back. they tested you and turned you iron something you never wanted to be. a teenage girl with the burned of supernatural abilities and a bad temper. resse young, you are powerful and gorgeous, but you were not born a monster you were born a kid with abilities no one could understand. and when they couldn’t understand scared them. how could you keep living like that? living like a mouse under a microscope. you couldn’t, and after long years of planning you finally escaped alongside your best friend. now you live on the streets trying your best to hide from the doctors and scientists that once held you captive. maybe you were homeless but it was better than being locked up in a room & being watched constantly.