
Hey guys! I know I haven't been on here much but life gets crazy sometimes. Anyway, I've been getting a lot of offers to post my Killings the Answer book on an app for profit. The problem is it is a fanfiction. While doing some research I don't think I can profit from this title so I was thinking. Would you guys be interested in me making my own world and rewriting the book? Would you guys be interested. The premise would be pretty much the same but lots of things would change. Idk if it'd work but I'd love some feed back. Thank you guys! 


Hey guys! I know I haven't been on here much but life gets crazy sometimes. Anyway, I've been getting a lot of offers to post my Killings the Answer book on an app for profit. The problem is it is a fanfiction. While doing some research I don't think I can profit from this title so I was thinking. Would you guys be interested in me making my own world and rewriting the book? Would you guys be interested. The premise would be pretty much the same but lots of things would change. Idk if it'd work but I'd love some feed back. Thank you guys! 


Hey loves I'm starting a new Jeff the killer book that I think should be quite great! I hope there's still JTK fans out there. Haven't much been in the community of creepy pasta much anymore because people already think I'm a witch so I stopped telling people I love them. And besides I was already recommended to guidance that I was a bit weird so talking about my love for ghosts, murderers and more would not be too rash!  but besides that I'm in grade 12 now!!! So I'll be able to talk about my love more!!! Yaya!!! Well look out for a book called "Wet Cigarette's" 


Hey y'all I haven't been posting anything like at all! I've just been so swamped with school and personal things. I'm trying my best. I am writing this book for creative writing class and I'll probably post it. But like hmmm.... idk I'm just all jumbled and frazzled. I'll try my best to pull out some creativity. If you want me to continue a book leave in the comments which book. If you want me to start a new book throw some ideas in the comments. Love you guys! I'll try my best in the summer!


Hey, uh, in your Jeff love story book, people left all these bad bad comments and I decided I would make one to....
          Jk!! Ok ok I know not funny, but HEY your not worthless. No girl is worthless.


Just....Your not worthless...


this message may be offensive
 Okay that was a bit rude, I just wanted to say, your an amazing author. This bitch Barbie at my school came up to me while I was reading your stories on my IPad and was like " Hey Emo freak, get a life." And then I Was like " Bitch stop walking round the school with your Posse and insulting ppl cuz you feel like it! Besides over 65% of girls commit suicide because of ppl like you, that make them feel insecure, worthless, ugly, So I'll be happy to see you behind bars where all bitches belong."


I love your stories. don't listen to what others say. everyone is perfect in their own way. u don't suck at writing and the people that think that can go die in a hole for all I care and if I ever find out who they are I will kick their asses. for them to put someone else down it just proves how heartless they are. 


Thank you 


Ik this is very late but I feel bad for not replying. Thank you very much 