
this message may be offensive
Fuck the world...I'm a pandicorn


Hi @leylamio ! I saw that you follow @PJO_WattyAwards and I thought I'd tell you something. If you do not already know @PJO_WattyAwards seems to have disappeared and we do not know what happened to them. They have been offline for quite awhile and people are wondering where they went. So I volunteered to take up their account. So this is the new account for the PJO Watty Awards. I will keep all the rules the same and try to keep this going. Just thought that I'd inform you. If you have any questions please ask me.


Ok ok ok esto es muy importante para mí y espero que les importe tanto como a mi.......ya nació el bebé de Louis y la cara de galleta de Brianna.No es que no esté feliz con el bebé es más me alegro pero me hubiera gustado que Larry se confirmara pero bueno no importa además si lo vemos por el lado bueno,Harry podrá llamar "papi"a Louis. Esto me tiene cabreada así que me voy a llorar CHAU CHAU