
I posted another chapter! 


Welp, I said a chapter of the player should come out before April. We're halfway through April... I'm sorry guys! I've been busy with school and is super stressful for me  Once I finish school, I shall post. So maybe in June. Haha... ❤️


Oh my gosh! I just hit 1k views on The Player! I actually can’t believe it!!! I never thought I would actually hit that. I know I haven’t made any news chapters since the new year. Super sorry! Chapter should come out before April :)


Hey everyone! Happy Halloween (if you’re celebrating it) thank you so much for supporting me :D Yes I know I haven’t been active. I’m super sorry.  I know my viewers are probably wondering where I am lol ❤️ I hope to get the Disney Princess chapter out by tomorrow, but then again I’m not sure. 


Hi everyone! So how are you guys? I'm doing great if you're wondering XD anyways I'm sorry I didn't post another chapter yesterday, I was busy, chapters should come out today. I also wanted to say thank you so much for 500 views! ❤️❤️❤️ Loves.