Gerard es un cantautor de música pop.
Gerard tiene toda su vida organizada con Julien pero no sabe que su vida dará un giro antes de mudarse a Madrid.
Gerard quiere hacerse un hueco en la industria musical.
Gerard debe decidir si regresa a la isla con Julien o sigue luchando por sus sueños.
Gerard se enamora de Marcos ¿Qué se enamora del chico heterosexual?
Gerard vuelve a empezar.
TW Torture, death, Taliban.
After the Taliban took power, LGBT+ people in Afghanistan are in
acute, mortal danger. This danger includes torture, murder, and other horrific things. Even if they are able to leave to a neighbouring country, Pakistan and Iran both have a death penalty in place for being LGBTQIA+. Germany has pledged to take in particularly vulnerable groups of people. LGBT+ people must be specifically considered in their humanitarian admission program. Please sign this petition to help our fellow LGBTQIA+ people. It takes less than two minutes!