we used to call eachother "my dream" and "my fundy" how cute were we (mia who wrote sweater weather, your old wife ❤️)

@purpledszn sorry for such a late response omg!!! i only just rlly looked through some of my emails and saw ur msg pop up! and stop our fundy and dream thing was so cute. ☹️ u were genuiny my first online friend, so thank u for opening up that world of online friends to me!!! ur like what? 16 now? ur gonna be a grandma soon damn. but yeah, hope ur doing rlly good, and still thanku for writing sweater weather. tbh i still remember the whole storyline so yeah, ilysm and hope ur fr doing so good my wife. feel free to add me on insta/tiktok if u ever want to! (@lialovesfelix). hopefully we can talk again but bye for now, and once again thank u <3