
@Emmak4556 Okey dokey!!!


Read "Don't Hate Me Cause I'm Beautiful" by my best friend Emmak4556 
          I'm I the story AHHHHH!!!!!! sorry but it's exciting!!! My character is Wendy... Cause ya know, that's my name. But ya it's a great story!!  Go read it now!!!!


AAAHHHH!!!! Someone fanned me!!!! This made my whole week!!!! So since you are my first fan I love you and I cherish you because this is a big deal to me because I want to be a writer one day. So I just thought of a story idea and I wanna make it a reality. Will you read it please?!?! With 1D on top??? It will probably be uploaded tommorrow or Saturday. So look out for that!!! Thank you for being my first fan it means a lot to me and I promise I won't let you down:).     -BB